Bullying still remains a constant threat to the well-being of children’s mental health.
Bullying, unfortunately is still common to some degree within schools. Thankfully, exclusions for bullying, due to increased efforts and awareness, has decreased by 64% since 2006. However, bullying still remains a constant threat to the well-being of children’s mental health as cyber bullying has become more prevalent. Bullying is difficult to spot as the victim tends to withdraw, becoming less likely to talk to adults or other children the longer bullying goes on.
The Education and Inspections Act 2006 states that maintained schools must have measures to encourage good behaviour and prevent all forms of bullying amongst pupils.
Moodtracker is an interactive way for Primary school children to log their daily emotions using modern technology within the classroom to enable teachers to help identify and prevent bullying amongst children.

Teachers can access their pupils emotions over time on the secure web portal.
The software stores the data in a secure online portal, presenting effective data to teachers who can spot patterns in behaviour and be proactive in managing the mental health of children within school.
Moodtracker has been designed alongside teachers to give clear, easy to analyse data on mood trends of the class or individual students, helping staff to start meaningful conversations with pupils about their feelings and emotions. They system can also teach children new vocabulary around emotions enabling children to be able to describe their feeling more clearly.
Students input their feelings twice everyday, once in the morning before lessons start and once after dinner break. Children also select the reason for this emotion by selecting if they feel the route of the problem is regarding something in school or home life.

Children input their emotions twice a day.
Having assessed the data overtime, teachers can find patterns such as a student always feeling sad or upset after dinner when in the morning they arrived at school feeling happy. Teachers can then start conversations about what is happening during their school day to cause these emotions.
Contact us now for a free no obligation demonstration. Call us on 01253 888 458 or email connect@themoodtracker.co.uk and we will talk you through how Moodtracker help teachers better understand their pupils social and emotional needs. We can help schools tackle bullying and contribute to childrens fulfilling their potential in mentally healthy schools.
